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Hope Outreach Center

HOC in Dimapur, India, reaches out to the poor children of the region. The ministry serves mostly Hindu and muslim children in the villages near the Outreach center. What began in 2007 as a small bamboo thatch dwelling, is now a four story brick buidling with a kitchen, swimming pool, rock -climbing wall, and educational facilities!

The Four-Fold Mission


The love of Christ is shown to these children and their families through the ministreis and staff of the Hope Outreach Center. When the children and families expereience unconditional love from the efforts of the HOC, it creates a bridge for the gospel to be shared with those familes


Education is a key way that these kids can experience hope in their lives. HOC offers this hope at no cost to the poor familes in their region. Hands on tutoring is provided by seven qualified teachers. For these children, it is their only hope of escape  from the corruption that leads to academic failure, and ongoing poverty


The HOC meets the physical needs of these children and their familes as well. Eac day when a student finishes thier turtoring they receive something to eat. Each month the HOC has a lunch for their entire community. If a family is in need they know they can turn to the HOC for help


The HOC is where all the childen in the surrounding villages come to play! It's the only place in Ngaland that has a pool. with the average temperature in the high 90's for most of the year the pool is filled with children every day! Also, there's also a 50' rock-climbing wall, and a protected play area where games of soccer, and cricket take place each day after tutoring.

How Sponsorship Works

The cost of running the entire Hope Outreach Center is $16,320 this year, about $45 per day.
On average, if each Grace Chapel household could sponsor 3 days of ministry ($135), the HOC would be fully funded for 2021.
Would you consider sponsoring the HOC for a day or more!

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the HOC